When a large number of people jointly make money available for projects, this is known as crowdfunding. Innovative projects, real estate or start-ups are often financed in this way.

Information about projects
Key information documents are drawn up by the project owners. They contain information about the project and the material risks and rights. Very large crowdfunding campaigns require a capital market prospectus.
Is my money secured?
As a rule, as an investor, unlike banks, you do not receive any collateral! Deposit guarantee schemes and investor compensation arrangements do not apply for crowdfunding.
What is subject to governmental supervision?
CAUTION:Only mediation platforms rather than the entities that receive the funds are supervised. Neither the FMA or the competent authorities in foreign countries review or authorise crowdfunding projects.
Our tips for you:
- Only invest if you understand the contract and the associated risks! Often qualifying subordinated loans are offered that are associated with various risks. Even if high interest payments and definite repayment are promised, in a crisis the project is not always required to repay your money!
- Don’t invest any money that you might require in the short-term! It might be very difficult to sell the units you hold if you need money quickly.
- Inform yourself about the project, and remain critical! Crowdfunding campaigns often originate from start-ups and include projects that are not yet established on the market.
- Don’t simply click through pop-up windows and warnings!
many investors, who grant loans or purchase securities via a crowdfunding platform.
Crowdfunding service provider:
matches the business interests of investors and project owners via a crowdfunding platform.
Project owner:
someone who seeks to finance their project via a crowdfunding platform.
Further information
Crowdfunding Service Providers:
A publicly accessible, Internet-based electronic information system operated by a crowd financing service provider.
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A to Z of Finance:
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