Social media can be a valuable source of information. However, you should never blindly trust finfluencers.
Category: Investments
The cream on the cake as you head towards retirement…
It’ll soon be that time of the year again: your Betriebliche Vorsorgekasse (corporate provision company) will be sending your annual account statement from your »Abfertigung neu« severance scheme. Maybe you even get several of these?
A helmet and safety belt for your money
Have you deposited your money at a bank and are you wondering what happens in the event of the bank plunging into financial turbulence? Deposit guarantee acts as the safety mechanism.
Comparing Investment Funds
The key information document helps you to compare investment funds with one another as well as against other financial instruments.
Who looks out for the crowd?
When a large number of people jointly make money available for projects, this is known as crowdfunding.
Just the shares, please!
Want to buy or sell securities, but don’t need investment advice, recommendations or to have your investment decision reviewed?
Zertifikate Lupe
The FMA’s “Zertifikate Lupe” provides you with an overview about the Austrian market and the most popular categories of certificates.
7 Rules of Investing
The world of investing can be complex and challenging one, but is also a key to securing your financial situation in the future. This guide helps you to make clever financial decisions.
Sustainable Financial Products
Would you like to invest your money sustainably? We explain where you can find information and what financial services providers are obliged to do.
Poverty in old-age is female
More than two-thirds of people living in poverty in old-age are women. Start putting money aside for your retirement as early as possible – the best time is now!